
History Mystery

Here's where you get a chance to crack a surprising bit of history - and earn some extra credit at the same time.

The rules will change from time to time, so be sure to check and never assume one will be the same as another.

Once a mystery expires, it's gone.

Oh, as far as most mysteries go, Google may not be as useful as you might expect - at least in the ways to which you have become accustomed.

You are welcome to use any resources or people at your disposal.

OK, here we go.


This Rules - for now.

This mystery will take a little digging. If you think you have answered the questions in the clues, put them in the IN box for your class period no later than Wednesday, 3/2.
Once the mystery is solved by five students in either class, it no longer has value. 

AND the current mystery is worth 10 extra credit points.
Questions you need to answer >> You are looking for a person from the Civil War era.


As a child I rode with him to power.

As a boy my health did lower.

His greatness passed me by,

As I did die

Did the water take my life?


Who am I?


Good luck.




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