History 8-1, Assignment Nine, Constitution and Government

Assignment Nine, The Constitution and our National Government

Deadline March 2, 490 points

How was the Constitution created?

How does our government work?

How does the Constitution shape our lives today?

Page one of the constitution.




This is the most important assignment you will complete in 8-1. It will consist of several parts. The links will be added soon.

Part One - The Constitution Take Home Test - 120 points

Part Two - The Constitution Crossword -  80 points

Part Three Separation of Powers Chart - 20 points

Part Four - Essays

Essay One - Explain the Electoral College to someone from another nation. - 40 points

Essay Two - Essential questions about you chosen legal case. - 40 points

Essay Three - The summary and paper about You, the Jury, State v. King. - 40 points

Essay Four - Constitution Interview - 40 points

Part Five - The Six Principles news article. 40 - points. You need to find a news article from the last six months that deals with one of the six principles of government and a short essay explaining how it is related.

Packet Assembly - Table of Contents, notes, handouts, and assignment in order - 40 points

Your Copy of the Constitution with the notes page - 20 points


NOTE >> The total possible for this packet is 520 points.

Here's an unnsolved one for you.
Find he who stands nigh to a tree, and this riddle's answer you'll see.
Level B


Your packet checklist so far - up to now your packet should include the following:

  1. Your copy of the Constitution - with your notes in it.
  2. The Take Home Test
  3. The Constitution Crossword
  4. A copy of the handout about separation of powers and checks and balances
  5. Your notes about the PowerPoint regarding the Constitution structure.
  6. Your first essay. Explain the Electoral College to someone from another nation.
  7. Your second essay. Short answers to the essential questions about your selected court case. See the section entitiled List of Supreme Court Cases a little lower in this section of this web page.
  8. The replacement for your third essay. Your response sheet about the video, You, the Jury.



Students will identify and describe background and outcomes of the Constitutional Convention.

Students will be able to identify key vocabulary terms associated with the Constitution and the convention.

Students will be able to identify and explain the structure of the United States Government and Federalism.

Special instructions

You will submit this packet in all together. Keep your work in class and your essays until you are ready to submit it all!

Essay Rubic

Criteria Points possible for each essay

Is each topic answered completely?
Is the language use correct and easy to follow?


Are the answers essentially correct, but key points are missing?
Is the language use correct and easy to follow?


Do the answers use generic statements without clear conclusions and are the points vague and difficult to understand?
Is the language use obscure and does it contain frequent errors?


Are the answers random and vague? Does the language use containg frequent errors? Are the answers pointless statement that could be applied under any set of circumstances?

25 or less


List of Supreme Court Landmark Cases

Essential Questions

How did the case begin?
What was the path through the courts?
What was the decision of the Supreme Court?
What precedent(s) did the case set?

Fourth Hour

Brown v. Board Alli, Eliza
Gideon v. Wainwright Case, Jed
New Jersey v. TLO Bobby, Wesley, 
McCulloch v. Mayland Bryson
Texas v. Johnson Evelynn, Macey, Ashlyn
Engle v. Vitale Analeigh, Mady the esteemed
Rove v. Wade Brooklyn, Molly
Scott v. Sandford Jacob
Tinker v. Des Moines Emmaline, Alex, Hailey


Fifth Hour  
Plessy v. Ferguson Bryan, Grant, Barkley
Texas v. Johnson Nathan, Levi
Tinker v. Des Moines Lydia, Navy, Jaiden
Roe v. Wade Luke
Engel v. Vitale Shannon
Tinker v. Des Moines Gideon



Links you will use with this assignment

A copy of the assignment

Copies of the sections of this packet will be posted soon.
Constitution Booklet

Checks and Balances PDF

Constitution Chapter Test

PowerPoint Notes about the Constitution

Constitution Interview Form

Media files

Here are the links to Chapter Eleven and The New Nation Study Guide that accompanied it.

Here are the links to We the People Power Point and Study Guide.

To view the PowerPoint about the structure of the Constitution, click here.

Here is the link to the final test for this packet. You will receive one in class. You need to bring it in as hard copy.

Here is the link to the diagram of the checks and balances in the Constitution.

Click here to view the Power Point about some key aspects of government. We used in in class on 5/17.

Click here to view the Power Point about the Electoral College we use in class.

Here is the link to the Power Point we used in class about amending the Constitution.

Click here to view the Power Point about the content of the amendments.

Here is the link to the PowerPoint file about the structure of the Constitution.

Click here to view the PDF file about the six principles of government we viewed in class.

Click here to view the PowerPoint file about the Federal Court System.

Online files

Here is the link to court cases.

Here is a link for Terry v. Ohio.
Here is another link for Terry v. Ohio.

Click here to view a shortened segments from You, the Jury.

Here is the link to the handout that accompanies You, the Jury.



Egg Art