History 8-1, Assignment Six, The British Colonies Grow and Change




Assignment Six
The British Colonies Grow and Change

Deadline 1/14, 160 points

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How did the British - American colonies grow and change from 1650 to 1750?

Virginia Colonial Capitol Building



As the British presence in America began to grow conflicts arose. Conflicts between the mother country - England, and the colonies, and often between the colonists themselves. As a result the British settlers began moving and forming new kinds of governments. All the while, the colonies were overseen by charters, or permissions from the Crown, to establish and run their colonies.


Students will identify and describe the changing characteristics about the British - American colonies during this time period.

Students will identify and describe the key events and people of this time period.

Special instructions

You will need to use Chapter Four of the textbook as you work on this assignment.

See the instructions on the printed copy of the assignment.

Please note >> This assignment is 160 points.




Are the answers to the questions contextual and accurately written?
12 points

Are the answers to the questions non - contextual and still accurately written?
10 Points

Are the answers to the questions non- contextual and inaccurately written?
8 Points or less

Crossword Answers
2 Points each




Printed files

Click here to view a printed copy of the assignment.

Media files

To view the PowerPoint we used in class on Jan. 10, click here.


Online files

Click here to access Chapter Four of the textbook.

Sound files